The very last of Delft...

My moments of Delft, were exactly that... MINE...
Not only of ERASMUS I have lived there. These are my last goodbyes as I left this city.
These are the missing friends from whom I did't had pictures before. Here they are now:

My co-workers from GeoDelft and friends, from left to right:
Mathais (I have the sheep, it walks crazy but it is there), Raymond (the "boss") and Rens

The rest of them, in the same order:
Arne (no, he is not a white ghost, but is the only photo I got with him- this is a low poly model of him, otherwise he will start complaining), Casper and Marteen X 2

Rens (the guy with whom I spent most of my time in GeoDelft) and me.

Ana (the last girl I talked in Delft before leaving) and Eva (one of the last persons I have known there, even if she was known to "the group" for a while).

The "queimadito" Hugo while he was saying goodbye to his bike. One photograph for the memory album. For one day to show to your grandsons Hugo? Or maybe you can even call them "nietiños"? ;)

My great flatmate Vahid, from Iran, and me.
Great World Cup 2006 by the way :)
Go Iran, Go Netherlands, Go England... and by the way... GO PORTUGAL :)

Ivo, with his strange, but cool hair. Always complaining about something... :) I will really miss him and his turtle (but he can't find this out, otherwise he will complain about it) :D

After Poptahof Noord 21, a last look to Simmonstraat 84. Vahid helped me carrying things out in my last home before coming to Porto. Goodbye Delft... it is the end...

This was the plane in which I made my final Amestardam Schipool - Porto Pedras Rubras.
GOODBYE NETHERLANDS, one day I will return... but just to visit :)


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