It's a dark time for the Delft Galaxy. The Spanish Evil Empire has take over the Erasmus Republic. The evil emperor, master of the Spanish, also know as Darth "Jorge" Sidious, now surrounded by the Spanish Clone Army, invaded all the party's.

All light Jedis that tried to opose the growing of the empire were eliminated out of the parties, letting to the end only darkness.

The first fallen Jedi was Qui "João" Jinn (he lost the battle because he was fighting with is light saber in one hand and a telephone on the other while talking on it) , even before the shadow of the empire begun to raise over the Republic. Among the most powerfull Jedis Mace "Bryan" Windu, was one of those that fight the most, but near the end the Dark Force was too strong for him... and he was lost.

With the emperor controling the galaxie with is army, only three Jedi's remain... but sudenly Anakin Stefano turned agains the light said, turning himself a Dark Lord of the Spaith, singing in the Spanish language and dancing like them... becaming this way, Darth "Stefano" Vader

With only two Jedi remaing, Obi Wan "Michele" Kenobi and Ruioda, completly surrounded by the darkness, they tried a last strike, but at that point there was nothing more to do, and they went into exile... only the Spanish and Darth Vader remained now in control...

Let's hope for a new hope in the future...

- To Be Continue ... Or maybe not... -

p.s.: Para os que não percebem a história... fui ontem a uma festa, e no final practicamente só restavamos eu, o Michele e o Stefano dos não espanhóis... mas o Stefano tratou de se por a cantar e dançar todas as músicas espanholas que continuavam a tocar...


  1. É o que dá andares a coçá-los sem teres cadeiras para fazer!!! Andas a gozar com a malta! Se andasses mas é a estudar que é para isso que os teus pais te põem dinheiro no estrangeiro... e ainda goza com a malta q tem entregas e cenas sérias para fazer em Delft, muito bonito sim senhor!!! ;)


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